

  • 学生 will have access to their courses in Blackboard on the first day of the term.  课程在学期开始前不会出现.
  • All online courses require presentation of a picture ID for completion of proctored activities. 学生 must complete proctored activities in order to be eligible to pass an online course.
  • 学生 are not allowed to give their Blackboard user names or passwords to anyone.


  • 学生的密码将只允许访问他/她自己的帐户.
  • 学生不应该把自己的密码给别人,也不应该让别人知道, 包括家庭成员, 以任何理由访问他们的账户.
  • 这违反了第二节. B. 5. K. 1. f of the student code of conduct policy for any student to log in to a course as another student.
  • It is also a violation of the policy for a student to permit another person to log in to a course using the password belonging to the student registered for the course or interact in the course in any way.
  • 这违反了第二节. B. 5. K. 2 of the student code of conduct policy for any student to plagiarize another person’s work and to incorporate that work unacknowledged in one’s own work offered for credit.


  • 奥古斯塔理工学院三个校区的学生, 你参加了某个项目吗, 参加在线课程, 必须在导师的校园参加监考活动/考试吗.
  • GA Technical schools transient students are proctored through their home school and need to contact instructors in advance.
  • Other transient students must locate an official proctoring site in their area – the public library, 其他大学, 军事基地教育网站, 等. 并提前提供导师的联系方式. 学生 will be responsible for any fees associated with using an outside proctoring site.
  • A Proctored Exam Request form is available in the 远程教育 resource section of the 奥古斯塔 Tech website.
  • Student’s picture ID will be checked prior to the administering of any proctored activity.


成功完成本课程, students are required to participate in Blackboard and complete assignments within a weekly period (7 calendar days). Academic submissions, not course login, verify a student’s presence and participation. The date of the last academic submission will serve as the last date of attendance for students who withdraw from an online course or complete the course with an F. 


学生主动退课: It is the student's responsibility to initiate an official withdraw from any course utilizing the SmartWeb Banner 登记 portal.



我很荣幸能成为买世界杯app推荐的一名学生. 我发誓要为自己争光, 我的同学们, and my college by doing my best and by following the college’s honor code. 我不会因为撒谎而让自己和学校蒙羞, 作弊, 偷, 或对他人或财产造成伤害. I understand that following an honor code is a reflection of my work ethics which is important to my success on the job and in life. 


根据家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA), 买世界杯app推荐 protects the privacy of students enrolled in distance education courses by insuring the privacy and integrity of the communications and records used within the approved Learning Management System (LMS) course. 买世界杯app推荐 also adheres to the Georgia Virtual Technical Connection (GVTC) 隐私政策.

个人信息是特定于用户的. No personal identifiable information is visibly displayed within a distance education course unless the student voluntarily provides the information through a Discussion Forum or other means of interaction within a course. 学生 are required to use only course or College email for communication. Any other personal identifiable information residing within a course is restricted to LMS administrators and is not shared with any source outside of the Technical College System of Georgia.

Every student registered in a distance education course at the College receives a unique login. The identification number assigned to students allows them access to their course content which resides within the College LMS. 提供的密码是唯一的. 学生 change the password by answering secret questions or making a request through the IT Helpdesk. 学生可随时更改密码.


学生 are required to attend at least one proctored exam for every distance education course. 教师每学期最多可以放弃三次监考活动. 学生在参加考试前必须出示照片证明. Any student who needs to complete their proctored event off campus must complete a Proctored Event Request Form located in the Online 资源 tab that is available in every distance education course site. 学生 will be responsible for any fees associated with using an outside proctoring site. Picture identification is required prior to the student accessing the exam at any proctoring site.

There are no additional fees associated with the authentication of student identification.