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Princeton Barnes, 2020 New Century Workforce Pathway Scholar

Great Georgia Jobs | Season 2 Episode 1 - Cyber


Georgia Cyber Center Opening



Phish and Chips Cybersecurity Club

I am excited to introduce you to Phish and Chips, 这是买世界杯app推荐新成立的充满活力的网络安全俱乐部. As passionate advocates of cybersecurity, 我伸出手来邀请你加入我们的俱乐部,成为数字防御世界不可思议旅程的一部分. 在炸鱼薯条店, 我们的目标是创建一个由志同道合的人组成的社区,他们对网络安全有着共同的兴趣. Our club provides a platform for networking, 一技之长, and engaging in exciting cyber security competitions. We firmly believe that by coming together, 在这个快速发展的领域,我们可以在提高我们的知识和专业技能方面产生重大影响. To kick-start our journey, 我们正在组织一个重要的会议来讨论并最终确定我们社章的细节. 这次会议将为所有感兴趣的个人提供一个发表意见的机会, 建立扶轮社目标, and define the roadmap for our future activities. 我们鼓励您参加这次会议,并在我们塑造扶轮社的基础时,让您的声音被听到.

Meeting Details: Date: June 9th @ 10:00 AM in Room 3420 at GCC

加入Phish and Chips网络安全俱乐部将为您带来诸多好处,包括:

           1. 网络机会:与网络安全爱好者联系, 专业人士, 和专家, 培养有价值的人际关系和潜在的职业机会.

           2. Resume Building: Participate in club activities, 研讨会, 和项目, 让你的简历更有价值,并向未来的雇主展示你的实用技能.

           3. Skill Development: Engage in hands-on activities, practical training sessions, and discussions on cutting-edge cybersecurity topics, enabling you to expand your technical knowledge and abilities.

           4. 网络安全竞赛:参加惊险刺激的网络安全竞赛, both within the club and externally, where you can apply your skills and showcase your expertise.

我们坚信,Phish and Chips不仅是个人和专业成长的平台,也是一个成员相互支持和学习的社区. 确认您出席即将召开的会议或表示您有兴趣加入钓鱼与薯条, please RSVP by June 8th by emailing Mr. 埃德蒙森在 杰森

Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. 我们在这里回答任何疑问并提供更多细节. 我们期待在即将到来的会议上与您见面,并欢迎您加入钓鱼和薯条网络安全俱乐部. 让我们一起探索迷人的网络安全世界,创造不同!


Meeting Outline: Phish and Chips Club Meeting




Location: Room 3420, Georgia Cyber Center


        1. Welcome and Introduction (10 minutes)

                    a. 开场白

                    b. Introduction of the agenda

                    c. Brief overview of the club's purpose and goals

         2. Future Meeting Dates (5 minutes)

                    a. 讨论并确认下个季度/学期的会议日期

                    b. Consider any potential conflicts or holidays

          3. Member Introductions (15 minutes)

                    a. Allow each member to introduce themselves briefly

                    b. 分享他们的背景,兴趣,以及他们加入俱乐部的原因

          4. Selection of Club Roles (20 minutes)

                    a. Present available club roles and their responsibilities

                   b. Invite members to express their interest in specific roles

                    c. 根据成员的喜好和技能讨论和分配角色

                    d. 确保重要职位,如总裁,秘书,财务等.,都填满了

          5. Club Bylaws (15 minutes)

                    a. Review and discuss the club's bylaws

                    b. Address any questions or concerns raised by members

                    c. Allow for suggestions or revisions to the bylaws, if necessary

                    d. Take a vote to approve the bylaws or any proposed changes

          6. CyberForce Competition (10 minutes)

                    a. Provide an overview of the CyberForce Competition

                    b. 讨论任何最新情况、截止日期或参与要求

                    c. 鼓励成员组成团队或表达他们参与的兴趣

                    d. 分享任何可供准备的资源或培训机会

          7. NCAE Competition (10 minutes)

                    a. 讨论国家网络安全意识和教育(NCAE)竞赛

                    b. 通知成员有关比赛的细节,类别和世界杯app软件推荐过程

                    c. 鼓励成员考虑个人或团队参与

                    d. Share any relevant information or resources for preparation

          8. NCL Summer Camps for Next Year (10 minutes)

                    a. 提供有关国家网络联盟(NCL)夏令营的信息

                    b. 讨论参加夏令营的好处和申请过程

                    c. 鼓励有兴趣的成员探索机会并提出问题

                    d. 分享以往与会者的个人经历或感言

          9. Recruitment (10 minutes)

                    a. 讨论招聘对俱乐部成长和成功的重要性

                    b. 集思广益,制定招聘策略,包括校园招聘和在线招聘

                    c. Assign tasks to members for specific recruitment activities

                    d. Set goals and targets for increasing club membership

          10. Open Discussion and Closing Remarks (10 minutes)

                    a. Allow members to raise any additional topics or concerns

                    b. Address any outstanding questions or suggestions

                    c. Summarize key decisions and action items from the meeting

                    d. 感谢大家的参与,会议结束



全国网络联盟 (NCL)


The 全国网络联盟 (NCL) is the most inclusive, 基于绩效, learning-centered collegiate cybersecurity competition today!
NCL的, powered by Cyber Skyline, 使学生能够准备和测试自己,以应对他们在工作中可能面临的实际网络安全挑战, such as identifying hackers from forensic data, pentesting and auditing vulnerable websites, recovering from ransomware attacks, 还有更多!

NCL Fall 2023 Season Schedule 

登记 Opens: August 21 - October 6

(Late registration is from October 7 until October 10)

Gym Open: August 21 - December 15

Practice Game: October 9 - October 15

Individual Game: October 20-22

Team Game: November 3-5

去 全国网络联盟 for info about the competition. 

The 全国网络联盟 Logo composed of a red, shield outline with the letters 'N', 'C', and 'L' in red font centered across the bottom half. 文字后面是一个带有蓝色元件和连接器的灰色电路板图像, 在盾牌内部,顶部有两个人面对面的白色轮廓. 单词“The National”在右边以蓝色堆叠在一起, 大写字母,下面的红色大写字母“Cyber League”堆叠在一起.