
Augusta Technical College President Dr. Jermaine Whirl selected as 2023 Georgia Titan 100 Honoree

Congratulations Dr. Whirl!

For Immediate Release


泰坦100的标志由“泰坦”这个词组成,在一个黑色的圆形轮廓的左边,有一个黑色的希腊头盔的形状,红色的椭圆形重音代表马毛. 数字100在圆圈的右边用同样的黑色细字体书写.

Augusta Technical College President Dr. Jermaine Whirl
selected as 2023 Georgia Titan 100 Honoree

Original Press Release | AugustaCEO Article

Augusta, GA - January 13, 2023

Dr. 杰梅因·威尔身穿黑色毛衣,内搭银灰色西装外套,左翻领上别着买世界杯app推荐的校徽.泰坦首席执行官和头条赞助商威普力公司很高兴地宣布. 奥古斯塔技术公司总裁杰梅因·威尔入选2023年乔治亚州100强. The Titan 100 program recognizes Georgia’s Top 100 CEO’s & C-level executives. 他们是该地区在其行业中最有成就的商业领袖,使用的标准包括展示
exceptional leadership, vision, and passion. 总的来说,2023年乔治亚州100强和他们的公司雇佣了超过118名员工,000个人,年收入超过360亿美元. 今年的获奖者将被收录在一本限量版的《世界杯app软件推荐》图书中,并在网上独家介绍. They will be honored at an awards ceremony on April 27th, 2023, 并将有机会在一年中与他们的同胞泰坦多次互动和联系.

“泰坦100正在改变乔治亚州的商业模式. 这些杰出的领导者在他们的领域建立了无与伦比的卓越声誉. 我们自豪地承认泰坦100为塑造佐治亚州商业社区的未来所做的努力. 他们的成就产生了深远的影响,对全国各地的客户和客户产生了非凡的影响.” says Jaime Zawmon, President of Titan CEO.

Dr. Whirl is a nationally sought-after, award-winning, thought leader in workforce and community college education. 他最近被《世界杯app软件推荐》杂志评为500强影响力领袖,他的影响力在奥古斯塔和其他地方都能感受到.

“我很荣幸,也很谦卑,能加入这个众星云集的ceo团队,为伟大的乔治亚州服务. This award is a direct reflection of the faculty, staff, 以及买世界杯app推荐的学生们,他们每天都在努力完成我们的使命,成为一所国家认可的改变生活的学术机构, organizations, and communities through excellence, innovation, and partnerships,” said Dr. Whirl.

Dr. Whirl将于2023年4月27日在亚特兰大动物园萨凡纳大厅获得泰坦100奖. 这座建于1921年的建筑是这座城市最珍贵的历史建筑之一,今天被亚特兰大动物园赋予了新的生命. As home of the Atlanta Cyclorama for more than 90 years, 这座建筑以其宏伟的规模和新古典主义建筑而闻名. 这个独特的鸡尾酒式颁奖活动将聚集100名工业巨头和他们的客人,这是一个不同于乔治亚州商界的夜晚.

“我们谨代表威普力的所有合作伙伴和同事,向所有泰坦100的获奖者表示祝贺. 我很荣幸能在亚特兰大社区认识到这些不同的领导者. We appreciate the lasting impact each leader has made, and continues to make, 在亚特兰大和国外建立有意义的组织. Your ingenuity and creativity have set you apart, 被视为行业巨头的荣誉是当之无愧的,” says Bill Boucher, Partner at Wipfli.


About Augusta Technical College

Augusta Technical College, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, 是提供学术和技术教育的公立高等教育机构吗, customized business and industry training, continuing education, student support, economic development, and adult education services to its service area (Burke, Columbia, Lincoln, McDuffie, and Richmond Counties) at a competitive financial value. Associate of Science Degrees, Associate of Applied Science Degrees, diplomas, 通过传统和远程交付方式提供技术证书. For more information, visit

Media Contact:

Kimberly Holden

Director, Marketing & Public Relations


About Titan 100

Titan 100是一项全国性计划,旨在表彰一个地区的前100名首席执行官和c级高管. Representing both the private and public sector, 这些行业巨头展现了卓越的领导力, vision, passion, and influence in their field. The Titan 100 are recognized at an annual awards event, 在泰坦100书中发表,并有机会在一年中多次与他们的泰坦同伴联系. The Titan 100 is one of the fastest growing, most powerful communities of executives across the nation. “泰坦”必须每年提名和评选,其最高成就是在第三年被认可为精英名人堂的获奖者. Learn more at

About Wipfli LLP

With more than 70,000 clients and approximately 3,100 associates, Wipfli是美国最大的会计和咨询公司之一. 我们提供综合解决方案,帮助客户将数据转化为洞察力, optimize workflows, increase margins, and transform through digital innovation. Learn more at

Press Contact:

Darren Pettapiece

Senior Program Manager TitanCEO


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