
奥古斯塔大学 和 买世界杯app推荐 kick off pathway 程序 for cyber students

攻读网络安全副学士学位? Earning a Bachelor's in Information Technology is now one step closer!

奥古斯塔CEO article                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   WJBF article

奥古斯塔大学 和 买世界杯app推荐 kick off pathway 程序 for cyber students


奥古斯塔大学买世界杯app推荐 庆祝一个新的 Cybersecurity to Information Technology Pathway 今天在乔治亚网络中心的节目. This 程序 allows students in ATC’s Associate of Applied Science in Cybersecurity a pathway into AU’s Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

“The need for cybersecurity professionals is only increasing across the state 和 nation. Cooperation between institutions of higher 教育 is imperative as we prepare the students of today to become the workforce of tomorrow,奥古斯塔大学校长说 布鲁克斯一个. 龙骨博士. “We are grateful to 买世界杯app推荐 for an ongoing 和 growing partnership with AU’s 计算机与网络科学学院佐治亚网络中心 as we uphold 奥古斯塔’s reputation as the cyber capital of Georgia.”

通过与 ATC网络安全计划 和非盟 计算机与网络科学学院, students can take advantage of course articulation, challenge exams 和 程序-specific academic advising at ATC 和 special transfer events at AU to prepare for completion of both degrees.

Leaders from both institutions helped kick off the new 程序, including 龙骨; 买世界杯app推荐 President Dr. 杰梅因旋转; 奥古斯塔大学 Provost 和 Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. 尼尔·J.  麦金农; 奥古斯塔大学 计算机与网络科学学院 Dean Dr. 亚历克斯Schwarzmann; 买世界杯app推荐 Provost Dr. 梅丽莎Frank-Alston; 和 买世界杯app推荐 School of Cyber & 设计媒体主任 Tammy奥布莱恩.

买世界杯app推荐 is honored to partner with 奥古斯塔大学 in delivering a seamless transfer pathway for students to complete both their associate 和 now bachelor’s degree at the 佐治亚网络中心,旋风说。. “This pathway 程序 adds to the CRSA’s nationally recognized cyber ecosystem of transformative innovation, 地方政府/军队, 教育, 私营企业发生冲突. 学生 completing both their associate 和 bachelor’s degrees will be technically astute 和 research oriented to solve global problems in the ever changing world of cybersecurity.”

Cyber students from both AU 和 ATC take classes at the 佐治亚网络中心. 作为协作生态系统的一部分, an onsite internship coordinator works with students to help them secure internship opportunities with industry partners.

To apply for the Cybersecurity to Information Technology Pathway at 奥古斯塔大学, 买世界杯app推荐 students must complete the ATC transient application. 在完成, students must determine which course(s) they will take challenge exams for in order to earn credit. 学生 must pass challenge exams with a score of 70 or higher to receive credit for the appropriate course. Interested students should declare their intent as early as possible in their college careers.

有关的更多信息 程序,请联系 admissions@奥古斯塔.edu 或致电706-737-1632.
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买世界杯app推荐, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, is a public postsecondary academic institution that provides technical 教育, 定制的商业和行业培训, 继续教育, 学生支持, 经济发展, 成人教育服务 to its service area (Burke, 哥伦比亚, 林肯, 麦克达菲, 和 Richmond Counties) at a competitive financial value. 理学副学士学位, 应用科学副学士学位, 文凭, 和 technical certificates of credit are provided through traditional 和 distance delivery methods. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 奥古斯塔


奥古斯塔大学 is a comprehensive research institution offering customizable experiences on four campuses in 奥古斯塔 和 locations across the state. 奥古斯塔’s uniqueness shines through the university’s diverse 和 inclusive community, world-class academics 和 experiential learning opportunities in computer 和 cyber sciences, 业务, 艺术和更多. 奥古斯塔大学 is Georgia’s designated center of health sciences excellence, where groundbreaking research is creating a healthier, 更强的格鲁吉亚.

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